Epoch 14 - Reduced Fees, Updated Incentives and 2-Day Reward Emissions

As Epoch 14 kicks-off on February 14, here’s a summary of what you need to know:

  • Reduced Fees - Taker fees have been reduced to 0.035%
  • Increased Sui Incentives - there are more incentives available to traders and liquidity providers on Bluefin!
  • Updated Blue Incentives - Rebalancing of incentives across various incentive programs. We will continue to work with our incentive design partners, iterate and ensure that users are sufficiently incentivized
  • Elixir Launch - The launch of Elixir Pools on Bluefin
  • Welcoming a new data partner to guide incentives - we’ll announce them in the near future! They are designing upcoming updates to the Bluefin points system!

(Important) Introducing Reward Distribution Checkpoints

Trade & Earn - Epoch 14 Overview

  • Dates: February 14 at 13:00 pm UTC - Feb 28 at 13:00 UTC (2 weeks)
  • Reward Emissions: Over 7 checkpoints, each are 2 days long
  • Total Rewards:
    • Sui Incentives - 196,014.40 SUI
    • Blue Points - 1,000,000 BLUE Points
  • Rewards per Checkpoint in Epoch 14:
    • Sui Incentives - 28,002.05 SUI every 2 days
    • Blue Points - 142,857.14 BLUE every 2 days

Bluefin Nexus - Elixir Pools

  • Launch: Feb 15 at 22:00 UTC
  • Estimated Total Pool Rewards for the first cycle
    • Sui Rewards - 40,000 SUI tokens
    • Blue Points - 250,000 BLUE Points
    • Pool Cap: $5,000,000
    • Estimated APY: 61.88%